Peter Cullen谈变形金刚:野兽猎人

水云斋主 2013-3-29 3727

Peter Cullen Talks Transformers: Beast Hunters
Peter Cullen谈变形金刚:野兽猎人
Peter Cullen; the legendary voice of Optimus Prime has recently sat down with MTV for an interview about the 3rd and final season of Transformers: Prime; Beast Hunters.
Peter Cullen——这位擎天柱的传奇声优最近出席了MTV得一个访谈节目,谈关于变形金刚:领袖之证——野兽猎人第三季的结局。
MTV: What has changed for you as Prime over the years, and even since doing The Hub show?
Well, I think the ingredients changed, but certainly not the good versus evil, and the way we approach that. That seems to be always relevant and predominant. We’re going into Season 3 and it really is kind of exciting because it’s not just Autobots and Decepticons.We’re getting into something else … just the hint of the name, Beast Hunters. That’s a prequel to what’s going to happen imaginatively. We’ve done that before, we dealt with it in Dinobots, and things like that. But this is huge. This is much, much bigger, and it takes it to a new level.
If this is the third and final season of “Transformers: Prime,” does this then mean that we’re going to see future seasons of “Transformers: Beast Hunters”? Is this going to be a reboot that will continue into a new series?
I just say “Transformers: Prime” is a title, and it could be the title of one episode, or it could be the title of 65. But Transformers, I’m sure, is gonna continue, and Beast Hunters, I would just look at it as another chapter … every show is a spin-off from the last one. We’re always looking forward to doing more. It doesn’t seem to be a finality from anything that I’ve seen.
For the full interview, you can visit MTV.
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